Monday, March 30, 2009

Student Debt Consolidation - Benefit In True Sense

Student Debt Consolidation - Benefit In True Sense

by apurva

Students often face problems in paying off their loan taken against education or for any other need. To face such situations, student debt consolidation method is introduced, wherein all the loans are collected to form a single manageable loan. refinancing student loans

Basics About Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is a process in which multiple loans taken through different or same lenders are converted to a single loan. For students, an exclusive students debt consolidation program is introduced, with which they can get rid of financial stress needed for their education and concentrate on studies. Under this program, not only the students but also their parents can also get the loans consolidated. There are other benefits of student debt consolidation, of which some are listed below:

# Single lender: Consolidation gives comfort of making payment to one lender. No matter, with how many lenders you dealt in past, consolidation make payment to single lender.
# One payment: Students often have multiple loans running around. With consolidation, the process can be made easier by making one single payment instead of multiple payments.
# Low monthly payment: If you choose student loan consolidation method, the monthly installments of the loan can be reduced up to 50%. This would save some cash, which you can use on your other personal expenditures. refinancing student loans
# No credit checks or hidden fees: No bank or service fee is charged involved in student debt consolidation program. Also, the students are not asked for any credit checks.
# Fixed interest rate: The interest rate for the loan is fixed, so you need not to worry about the inflation or deflation of the rates. refinancing student loans
# Good Credit Rating: Getting debts consolidated results in improved credit rating, because with it, you decrease your number of creditors. refinancing student loans

Debt Consolidation Interest Rates

Valuation of student loan consolidation interest amount depends on the original rate of the loan, which means, that the weighted average of the interest rates of the loans you choose to consolidate is rounded up to the nearest 1/8th of one percent or 8.25%, whichever is found lesser. This way, you get a lower rate in comparison to your previous loan rate and save lots of cash. refinancing student loans

It is recommended to get your loan consolidated as soon as possible, so that you can avail the benefits offered sooner. To apply for the loan consolidation, the best time is before you enter for your graduation, because the time required for the student debt consolidation is 2-3 months. refinancing student loans

To conclude, get your loans consolidated into a single debt and pay back in just one installment at your convenience. Although, consolidation may extend your 10-year loan repayment plan to 15-30 years repayment plan, still it is the best option to choose.


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